Please see the front office to have printed forms to sign.
“It’s our time to SHINE!”
Greetings Parents/Guardians and Students:
Welcome back to school! I am excited to welcome you to a new school year at Dixie Elementary! It is my prayer that everyone had a blessed and fun-filled summer. This year the Russell County School District’s theme is “Time to Shine” At Dixie, our dream is to educate with Excellence and winning is what is expected each and every day, with each and every lesson, with each and every assignment, with each and every project, etc. We need you to help us achieve our dream. It takes a village or team to raise a child therefore, we need your help getting your child here and on time each day, to come to school prepared and ready to learn each day, be actively engaged each day, completing class assignments and homework assignments each day, and to be on his/her best behavior each day. We can’t achieve our dream if we don’t have your support. We need you to take an active part in your child’s education by checking his/her folder each night, completing his/her reading log and or timed reading each night, ensuring projects are completed and submitted on time, volunteering at the school, providing suggestions, joining DEPTO, and encouraging your child. We all want our children to be successful and ready to Achieve, as we prepare for the 2024-2025 school year!!
I would like to welcome our new students, our Kindergarteners, our Pre-Kindergarteners and their families to the Dixie Team. I would also like to welcome our new faculty and staff members. Ms. Reagan Smith is moving to Pre-K, Mrs. Hart will join us as the Pre-Kindergarten Auxiliary Teacher, Mr. Tristan Wehrlin is joining us in 2nd grade, Mrs. Orr will be joining us in 3rd grade, Mrs. Self will be joining us in 5th grade, and Mrs. Donaldson is moving from 4th grade teacher to be our new Math Instructional Coach. Please welcome our new faculty members to the Dixie Team.
I encourage you to visit our website, join our Facebook page and your child’s Class Dojo page to stay up-to-date with school events and all of the wonderful activities going on here at Dixie. If you ever have any questions or concerns please call the school at 1-334-468-5323 or email me at laned@russellcsd.net.
I hope you will take the time to read through this handbook with your child. It contains important information that will be beneficial for you throughout the school year.
Children First,
Derrick Lane
Agreements and Forms
Parent and Family Engagement Plan
Dixie Elementary Parent Teacher Organization (Membership form in the back of the handbook)
Questions You May Have About DEPTO
What does it mean to be a member?
That depends on you. You can be a member in name only or you can become an active member. We invite you to become an active participant in your child’s education by being an active participant in DEPTO. Parents, grandparents, neighbors, and siblings, we need your help! Being an active participant, being involved, is not synonymous with being “sucked in”. The level of involvement is up to you!
Is there another level of membership?
The next level of membership is to be a voting member. Discussion, ideas and suggestions are always welcome from all members, but our bylaws allow that only members who have made a $5 parent group contribution, prior to the December meeting of the current school year, are allowed to vote during meetings or hold office on the board. This contribution could help provide ink, copy paper, student incentives, or supplement a teacher’s classroom supply order. It could also equate to the purchase of 50 glue sticks or 120 pencils. This parent group contribution is kept local and in our school.
Why should I be a participating member?
Participation through volunteering allows you to be “hands on” with your child’s education. All research indicates that when families are involved, a child is more apt to get higher grades, be more likely to graduate, and go on to college. Our children love to see us in this environment where they spend seven hours a day. You get to know your child’s teachers and friends.
Participation through attendance at DEPTO meetings gives you a voice. You help decide what we do as a group. If you are new to Dixie, the established families are available to answer questions and ease your transition into becoming a school family. If you are new to our community, we’re always happy to help wherever possible. An added bonus is that you have the opportunity to meet wonderful people who can become great friends.
What are the benefits of membership?
The benefits of membership are very rewarding. You have the knowledge that, with your participation and involvement, the educational and social experiences of all students at Dixie have been greatly enhanced. That is in addition to the benefits listed above.
Isn’t the PTO only about fundraising?
DEPTO is more than just fundraising. Fundraising is really just a necessary evil as school budgets are requiring more and more cuts. It is our hope that we are able to provide the supplies, equipment, and activities that our school budgets can no longer cover. We are only able to do that through Dixie families that are willing to participate in our fundraisers.
We are about parents, educators, and community members working together toward a common goal. That goal, simply stated, is creating a better school and educational experience for our children. We strive to create an atmosphere where teachers, administrators, and support staff can do their best work and so can our children. There's so much more that can be done and we need your help.
DEPTO will play the critical role of supporting our children’s education by providing enrichment activities, cultural partnerships and special events during the school year.
Our Membership Goals:
⮚ 100% Participation by Dixie Families and Staff
⮚ Raise Money to benefit the students of Dixie
● Student Promotion – Student of the Month, Honor Roll, Team Competitions, etc.
● School Grounds Improvement – Landscaping, Painting, Art Work
● Teacher Appreciation
● Technology – ink, paper, etc.
Please help support the children at Dixie and join DEPTO today!
Title I
What is Title I?
A School wide Title 1 Program
It’s a federal program to help students in our nation’s schools. Title is about giving all children a chance. Some children may not have all the advantages other students have. That’s where Title I comes in. Its goal is to help all children get a good education. Schools with 40% or more of children from low-income families qualify for school wide Title I programs. A good school wide program can lead to a better school. The program is designed to help all students reach the standards, challenge students to be the best they can be, and prepare students for the complex world of today and tomorrow.
The benefits of a Title I Program include:
Improved Programs
School wide Title I Programs allow schools to offer more:
● Services to help students in the classroom, such as counseling or tutors
● Teachers and other school staff
● Resources, such as computers and workbooks
● Variety in learning – problem solving, group activities, and skills workshops
Parent Involvement
School wide programs count on parent support. All parents are invited to help plan and take part in their school’s program. Parents may also benefit from some of the special services and programs the school may provide.
A Sense of Excitement
Improved school programs can boost school spirit. Students become more excited about learning and that helps teachers and other school staff with their jobs.
Equal Treatment
It is not necessary to pull students from class to receive Title I services, although students may be pulled on an as needed basis. They are less likely to feel singled out because the whole school is receiving the services.
More Ways to Use Resources
A school wide program has more freedom in how it can use resources. For example, Title I money may be combined with other sources of money to help pay for new programs.
Attention to Thinking Skills
In addition to working on basic skills, school wide programs help students:
● Find ways to use those skills in real-life situations
● Learn through hands-on projects and experiments
The Title I Program needs you to help:
● Determine program goals
● Plan and carry out programs
● Evaluate programs
● Work with your child at home and even in school, as a volunteer
The annual Title I meeting is the place to start and you’re invited! It’s the perfect time to:
● Learn more about Title I
● Learn more about your rights and responsibilities as a Title I parent
● Learn more about parenting skills workshops
● Meet other parents and teachers
Policies and Procedures
School Policies & Procedures
Dixie Elementary provides field trips, assemblies, and activities for our students. Many of these extra curricular events require transportation. It is a privilege and honor to provide such activities for students. Dixie students are challenged to be responsible for their individual actions and behaviors, both in the classroom and on field trips. Each event requires parental permission and a fee for participating. Additional guidelines for participating in activities can be found in the Russell County Code of Conduct.
TRUANCY DEFINITION: Parent(s)/legal guardian(s) or other persons having charge of any student officially enrolled in Alabama public schools (K-12) must provide the school, within three (3) school days of each and every absence (or consecutive absences), a written explanation of the reason(s) for each absence. Failure to furnish such explanation shall be evidence of the student being truant each day he/she is absent. The student shall be deemed truant for any absence determined by the principal to be unexcused based upon the State Department of Education’s School Attendance Manual.
Parent(s)/legal guardian(s) may submit written parent excuses when students are absent, but are limited to 10 total days over the course of the school year. Parents may be required to submit an excuse for late check-ins and early check-outs. If a student fails to attend school without submitting a timely excuse from a parent, medical professional or legal authority, the student and parent(s)/legal guardian(s) are subject to court intervention.
STEP ONE – First truancy/unexcused absence (warning)
Upon the first unexcused absence, the parent(s)/legal guardian(s) shall be notified by the school principal or his/her designee that the student was truant and the date of the truancy. STEP TWO – Upon the third unexcused absence
Upon the third unexcused absence, the parent(s)/legal guardian(s) shall be notified by letter from the school principal or his/her designee of the student’s truancy status and may be required to attend a meeting at the school.
STEP THREE – After the fifth unexcused absence
After the fifth unexcused absence, the parent(s)/legal guardian(s) are subject to the filing of a complaint to and participation in the Early Warning Program provided by the Family Court of Russell County. The parent(s)/legal guardian(s) and student are informed of the Alabama State Compulsory Attendance Laws and consequences of further unexcused absences. Failure to appear at the Early Warning Program shall result in the filing of a petition against the parent(s)/legal guardian(s) under Code of Alabama 16-28-12 (failure to cooperate), and /or a truancy charge against the student, whichever is appropriate.
STEP FOUR – Upon additional unexcused absence
Additional unexcused absences within a school year constitute a student being truant for the purpose of filing a petition with the Court. Any student ordered to court with a truancy petition
could be adjudicated to CHINS (Children in Need of Supervision) by a court judge. A judge can order additional supervision and services through East Alabama Mental Health, Department of Human Resources, or alternate placements outside the home setting. Additional fees and community service may also be ordered by a judge. Any custodial adult who is prosecuted for failing to require a student to attend school may be jailed for up to one (1) year or fined up to $500.00 or both.
In order to promote the concept of timeliness and responsibility in students and to prevent disruption in the classroom, the following procedures will be followed in regard to tardiness:
● Students are expected to be in classes promptly. Students are not allowed to be out of class without the permission of administrators.
● Students are allowed sufficient time to pass from one class to the next and should not be tardy except in cases of emergency. If an emergency should arise, the student must get an admittance slip from an administrator. In the event the student needs more than the specified time, the student should report to his/her class first and obtain the permission of the teacher.
● A tardy is defined as absence from the classroom when the tardy bell rings.
● An unexcused tardy may result in disciplinary action.
● Work missed due to an unexcused tardy may not be made up.
● A student is tardy to school if the student arrives any time after the tardy bell for first period or after the student’s first class begins. Any student who is tardy to school must report to the office for a pass before going to class after being signed in by a parent/guardian or other adult.
● No student is permitted to enter class after the tardy bell has rung without an appropriate slip issued by an administrator or the attendance office.
● Tardiness due to personal illness, illness in the family, death in the family, or other emergencies may be approved if a written note or telephone call from the student’s parent(s)/legal guardian(s) or the person responsible for bringing the student to school is presented at the time of arrival.
● Oversleeping, clock failure, missed rides, etc. will not be considered an excused tardy. In all cases, the person in charge of issuing the admittance slip may, in his/her absolute discretion, verify any such note or call.
School administrators are authorized to determine appropriate management and disciplinary techniques to be used when students are tardy to school or classes. Such discipline may include a petition filed with the Russell County Juvenile Court.
1. The parent will have the right to have a student’s case heard by the Attendance Appeals Committee composed of the principal, the attendance clerk and the district attendance director. Appeals will be heard only for severe or chronic medical problems which are well documented by a physician.
2. Out-of-school suspensions will count as excused absences. Make-up work for out of school suspensions is allowable at the responsibility of the student.
3. Work missed during an excused absence may be made up within three (3) days of the student’s return to school.
Upon returning to school after an absence, the student/parent must bring a note from the parent(s)/legal guardian(s), doctor, or community agency.
1. Date of absence(s)
2. Reason for absence(s)
4. Signature of the parent, doctor, or agency’s manager
5. Telephone number where a parent can be reached during the school day
6. Any medical note, judicial note, or DHR note must be on original letterhead or original form. Office manager’s or doctor’s signature must be affixed to the documentation. Information must be clear and legible.
The student then must:
1. Present the note to the attendance clerk/homeroom teacher.
2. Teachers will allow students to make up work; however, only those students whose absence is excused will receive credit for the work.
3. Only the attendance clerk/homeroom teacher or an administrator may issue an admittance slip. 4. Students have only three days to bring in a note after an absence.
5. Notes will not be accepted on the fourth day following an absence.
● If a student accumulates a total of five (5) unexcused absences, the parents and student will be required to attend an Early Warning Meeting. In this meeting, parents will be officially notified that a complaint has been initiated against them and/or their student and of the Alabama Compulsory School Attendance Law.
● If a parent(s)/legal guardian(s) does not attend this meeting, a petition may be filed against the parent.
● After a student has been placed in the Early Warning Program, he/she cannot have another absence without it being excused by a doctor or public agency (i.e. CHINS, DHR, and/or Court). Once a student is admitted to the Early Warning Program, he/she is in the program for the remainder of the current school year and all of the following school year.
● If a student has another absence without it being excused by a doctor or a public agency, a warrant will be filed against the parent and/or student.
● Early Warning meetings for the 2023-2024 school year will be held bi-monthly.
Candy, Gum, and Personal Items
Students may not bring candy, gum, toys, hand-held game systems or any other similar items to school. If the student has these items, the teacher may take them up and hold them or turn them into the office. They will hold any such items until the parent picks the items up. Personal possessions such as money, cell phones, clothing, jewelry, etc. are the responsibility of the individual student and parent. If brought to school they must be kept in their possession at all times. It is recommended that students not bring items of value to school to discourage the possibility of theft of these items. Cell phones that are taken up will be given to the school office for retrieval from parents or guardians. Dixie Elementary School nor DEPTO will be responsible for lost or stolen items.
Care of School Property
School loyalty and pride are displayed by keeping our building neat and clean. Students who intentionally deface or damage school equipment or property in any way will be required to clean the article and/or pay for the damage done.
Cell Phones
We understand that some students have permission by their parents/guardians to keep a cell phone with them for communication before and after school. Although we highly discourage bringing these devices to school, we understand the necessity in certain circumstances. All students must keep their cell phones turned off and put away during school hours. Only with the permission of their teacher or an administrator will they be allowed to use the cell phone during school hours. (NOTE: they can only be used on the bus with the permission of the driver.) If the student is using the device or has the device out without permission, the teacher/administrator will take it up and bring it to the office where they will be kept until the parent/guardian can pick it up. If the student refuses to give up the device a discipline referral for “defiance of authority” will be given to the student and they will be dealt with according to the Student Code of Conduct.
Check Out Procedures
It is important that students receive instruction throughout the day. Homework, assignments, directions, and pertinent information are often given the last few minutes of the day. For this and other reasons, we ask that you do not check out students after 2:30 p.m. EST. Exceptions will be made when medical or other documentation is presented to the office. As always, to ensure student safety, parents, guardians,
and names listed on the Authorization to Release Form are the only individuals allowed to check out students. Identification will be requested for all check-outs. In a situation where custodial and non-custodial parents are involved, official court documents signed by the judge, which may include a copy of the divorce decree, must be provided to the school to verify the legal rights of all parties. If a pre-k student has grade level siblings, parents must wait in the car rider line until the end of the school day and the sibling will be taken to the car when the regular school day is over.
Your check is welcome at all Russell County Schools. We recognize that occasionally a parent may inadvertently overdraw a checking account and a check may be returned by your bank. In order to recover these funds in a private and professional manner, the Russell County School District has contracted with a private check Recovery Company, for collection of returned checks.
Each person writing a check to a school or the School District should write the check on a commercially printed check with your name, address, and one phone number. Counter or starter checks are NOT accepted. When a person writes a check to a school or the School District, he or she agrees that, if the check is returned, it may be represented electronically on the same account, and that the fee established by law, now $30, may be debited from the same account.
If the check and fee are not collected electronically, then the check Recovery Company will contact the check writer by mail and by telephone to make payment arrangements.
Child Nutrition Program
All Dixie students will receive breakfast and lunch during the 2023-2024 school year at no cost. A La carte items may still be purchased with money brought in on a daily basis or with money deposited into their accounts. Money may be deposited using the school district website, myrcsd.org using myschoolbucks for a nominal fee. There is no cost to students for breakfast or lunch. If parents/guardians wish to eat lunch with their child, they must contact the office before 9:00 A.M. ET. The cost for an adult breakfast is $3.00 and lunch is $4.50.
All parents are welcome to visit our school, but must obtain a visitor’s pass from the office first. There will be two school-wide parent conferences scheduled this year, one during the first semester and one during the second semester. If you need to conference with a teacher in addition to these times, PLEASE contact the school or the teacher at least 24 hours prior to the conference time. Your child’s education is very important to us, so keep communication open with your child’s teacher(s). Please speak with your child’s teacher first when a question arises. Always report to the school’s office upon entering the building to get a visitor’s pass. The office will inform the teacher you are here for a conference. We will not disrupt the instructional day by taking a teacher away from his/her classroom. Conferences will be held face to face or virtually as needed.
This year we will be implementing Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS). We have developed a set of expectations that students should adhere to. It is a systems approach to enhancing the capacity of schools to educate all children by developing research-based, school-wide, and classroom behavior support systems. There will be a discipline ladder in place for consequences to be used by the faculty and staff. As you can see below, your child will have 6-7 chances to change his/her behavior before being referred to the office unless it is constant throughout the day or one of the actions that result in an automatic office referral such as: fighting, theft, bringing a weapon to school, etc.
1. Warning
2. Silent Lunch
3. Written Assignment
4. Parent Contact
5. Counselor Referral (if applicable)
6. Parent Conference
7. Written Referral to Office
Once the student has been to the office, he/she will reset each time. The discipline ladder will begin again. There is also a discipline ladder for office referrals.
1. Parent Conference
2. Detention
3. Suspension with a remote assignment
We want every student to be successful and to achieve. You cannot achieve your goals if most of your time is spent in the office. Classroom behavior is vital to a quality education.
Students with multiple discipline referrals to the office and or school bus may not participate in extra curricular activities such as assemblies and/or special events at school. Principal’s discretion will be used in each incident and or event.
Dismissal Procedure
After a long day at school, students are excited to go home. Listed below are a few items that must be followed to ensure the safety of ALL students.
● No students will be allowed to check out after 2:30.
● Students are dismissed at 3:15.
● If you have to change transportation from bus to car or car to bus, please make the request in person the day in advance.
● Do NOT park and walk up to the school to pick up your child. We consider this a dangerous practice during car rider dismissal.
· Pre-Kindergarten students should be dropped off and picked up by a parent/guardian or other authorized adult. Pre-K students should be dropped off between 8:00-8:30 and picked up at 3:45. ● Car riders will not be dismissed until after bus riders are loaded and gone.
● Place your child’s Dixie-issued sign on the car dashboard.
● If you do not have your sign, you will be asked to pull forward and wait while a teacher verifies approval for you to pick up the student.
● Smile and be patient with our employees working to unload and load your children as quickly as they can.
Dress Code
All students should dress in good taste and in a non-offensive manner. We require the following:
● No hats or caps in the school building.
● No football, baseball, or soccer shoes with rubber or metal cleats.
● No mesh jerseys, halter tops, tank tops, or spaghetti straps (No visible undergarments).
● No shorts, skirts, or dresses more than 2 inches above the top of the knee cap.
● No offensive/suggestive material on clothing (including alcoholic & tobacco products).
● No bicycle shorts or pants.
● No tights/leggings unless worn under shorts, skirts, or dresses 2 inches above the knee.
● No high heels or flip flops (safety precaution).
● No clothing with holes in inappropriate places
● Bathrobes, pajamas, and boxer shorts worn as outer garments will not be allowed.
● Pants/shorts must be worn at waist level.
We do ask that you dress your child according to the weather. Many times a class will go outside when it is chilly. We also ask for students to keep a change of clothes at school or in their book bags in case of accidents, milk spilled, the child is sick, etc. If the above rules are not followed, the school may contact a parent/ guardian regarding the dress code violation. If warranted, a change of clothes will be requested.
Emergency Numbers
We must have a record of current parent telephone numbers and the telephone numbers of at least two local relatives, friends, or neighbors who can be contacted in case of an emergency in the office. Please write a note or contact the school as soon as possible to report any changes of information on the Authorization of Release Form.
Emergency Procedures
Tornado, fire, and intruder drills are conducted periodically in the school. If a student pulls the fire alarm falsely, he/she will be suspended. Parents are requested not to check out students when the school is under an emergency warning. Standard emergency procedures will be followed. Parents should seek safe shelter themselves. Please do not call the school during emergency warnings--the school telephone line must stay clear. During emergencies, buses may be delayed. Students will be released only to persons on their Authorization of Release Forms, unless we are on lock down. No students will be released until the school has been cleared to allow individuals to enter and exit the school.
Field Trips
A signed permission slip will be required prior to each field trip. Telephone calls will not be accepted. The permission slip must be returned to school no later than the day PRIOR to the field trip. Misbehavior on a field trip may result in his/her teacher using the discipline ladder.
Homework/Class Work
Homework is an integral part of the instructional program. It may consist of such activities as make-up work, meaningful projects, collecting materials for classroom projects, or completing work begun in the classroom. Some purposes of homework are to stimulate independent study habits, to develop responsibility and self-direction and to reinforce school learning. It is the student’s responsibility to see that homework assignments are handed in or are ready to be checked at the time requested by the teacher. It is not the responsibility of an individual teacher to provide parents and students with a list of missing assignments during or at the end of a grading period. Homework is most often an immediate need that reinforces a skill learned that day or prepares students for the next day’s lesson. All students will abide by this policy unless it is otherwise specified.
Inclement Weather
When severe weather arises, the regular school schedule may be suspended to ensure student’s safety. It is the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to monitor news reports via television, radio stations, and Russell County School District’s social media sites. The district will send notifications when changes to school schedules are made. Additionally, announcements are normally broadcasted between 6:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. Local TV and radio stations will announce school closures.
Lost and Found
A student’s personal possessions should be labeled very plainly with his/her name. This is especially important for items of clothing such as coats and jackets. The custodian maintains a lost and found area in the school. It is important that students assume responsibility for personal belongings, textbooks, and other school property. In May, all unclaimed items will be dispersed to charitable organizations.
Make Up Work
Make-up work, which includes tests, will be administered to students whose absence was due to illness or other reasons coded as “excused” in the Alabama register. The student should be prepared to take missed tests and turn in assignments within three days after returning to school unless otherwise approved by the principal. Students that do not turn in excuses within three days and/or are unexcused absences will not be allowed to make up work that was missed. It is the student’s responsibility to turn in all assignments and complete any missed tests within the designated length of time. Students who have been suspended are allowed to make up missed assignments or tests for the period of suspension; however students will be responsible for their missed assignments during their suspension.
Media Center
The goal of the school library media center is to ensure that all members of the school community have equitable access to books for reading, for projects, for information, and for information technology. The school library exists to provide a range of learning opportunities for both large and small groups, as well as individuals with a focus on intellectual content, information literacy, and the learner. In addition to classroom visits, the school library also serves as a place for students to do independent work, use computers, equipment and research materials; to host special events; and for tutoring and testing. Students that owe for missing library books will not be allowed to check out books until the book(s) have been found or paid for.
Medications are to be taken before students come to school and after they return home when at all possible. Medications that must be taken during school hours are to be delivered to the school by the parent, have a written doctor permission form on file in the office, and be administered by the school nurse or an approved staff member. Any medication found to be in possession of a student can be considered a violation of Board policy and warrant discipline.
Parent Volunteers
Parent volunteers are very important to our school. This is a group of willing parents that provide supplemental aid to teachers, staff, and students. The volunteer program provides a rewarding opportunity for parents/guardians. If you would like to participate as a volunteer, please contact your child’s teacher or the office.
Pictures will be taken during the year (reminder notices will be sent home):
Physical Education Excuses
Physical education is a vital part of the school’s curriculum. Students should wear clothes and shoes appropriate for physical activity. If your child cannot participate, please send a note with your child. He/she may be given alternative assignments during the P.E. class.
Progress Reports/Report Cards
Report cards are issued every nine weeks with a progress report scheduled midway in the quarter. See school calendar in this handbook for dates. Students will be responsible for delivering these documents to their parents/guardians.
School Hours Instructional Hours: 8:30 a.m. until 3:15 p.m. EST
Dixie Elementary opens its doors in the morning at 8:00 a.m. EST. Please do not drop off children and leave them unattended before 8:00! Dixie employees will open the car doors for your child(ren). Buses load in the afternoon at 3:15 pm. Buses depart Dixie at 3:25 p.m. Unless otherwise arranged, students will not be allowed in the building until 8:00 a.m. Promptness is a character trait that we stress at school.
Students must be signed in by a guardian if they arrive after 8:30 a.m. EST.
School Safety
Your child’s safety is of utmost importance to Dixie’s faculty and staff. All parents and visitors must enter through the doors at the main office (at the front of the building) between the hours of 8:00 A.M. ET – 4:00 P.M. ET. You must then report to the office, present your identification, and obtain a visitor’s pass. No exceptions will be made.
Technology Devices
Dixie is a One-to-One school which means each student will have a technology device. Chromebooks will be issued to students in Kindergarten through 5th grade and iPads will be issued to Pre-kindergarten students. Students will be responsible for an incident fee of $25.00 per incident repair.
Plans for after school need to be made prior to leaving home in the morning. Students are responsible for bringing their homework and class projects to school. Please do not call the school with messages for students unless it is an emergency. Failure to bring books, homework, or other material to school is not considered an emergency. In the event of illness, an office staff member will call on behalf of your child.
Textbooks will be furnished for student use. Students must take good care of these books. Lost or damaged textbooks and library books are to be paid for by the parent/guardian. If a student loses a textbook, he/she must pay the replacement cost of the lost book. Another textbook cannot be issued to the student until he/she has paid for the lost book. If a child owes for a library book, he/she will not be allowed to check out another book until the missing book has been paid for or found.
Transportation to and from school is a privilege. It shall be the responsibility of the students to conduct themselves like ladies and gentlemen at all times while riding school buses. The Russell County School Board endeavors to make the trip to school and back home as safe and comfortable as possible.
The Russell County Code of Conduct applies to students at the time a student arrives at the bus stop and until the student returns home. Therefore, students are expected to follow these rules: 1. Obey and cooperate with the bus driver (at all times).
2. After boarding the bus, take your seat immediately.
3. Do not talk to or disturb the bus driver (except in emergencies).
4. Do not harass other students.
5. Do not fight.
6. Do not argue or yell.
7. Do not use profanity.
8. Sit erect with your feet on the floor and keep your belongings out of the aisle. 9. Keep your hands, head, and objects inside of the bus.
10. Do not eat, drink, or chew gum on the bus.
11. Do not smoke or strike matches/cigarette lighters on the bus.
12. Do not bring fireworks, weapons, or anything that may endanger the lives of others on the bus. 13. Do not commit careless or willful acts which may cause injury to others.
14. Keep the bus clean by picking up any trash that is dropped.
15. Do not commit careless or willful acts which may cause damage to the bus (may result in a monetary charge)
16. Acceptable use of cell phone: music and games at the driver’s discretion (Photo & video, calling and texting prohibited)
17. Parent(s)/legal guardian(s) or unauthorized individuals are never to board the bus. NOTE: Bus drivers are authorized to assign seats.
Kindergarten students must have a parent/guardian/or person of legal age present when boarding the bus in the morning and be present to receive the child in the afternoon. If you are not present or if the bus driver has to wait for you to arrive, your child’s privilege to ride the bus may be suspended or you may be asked to pick them up from the school.
Misconduct on the bus can result in the student losing bus privileges. Principals are authorized to suspend bus privileges depending on the severity of the student’s misbehavior. When students lose their bus privileges, the parents assume the responsibility for transportation to and from school. When a student accumulates 10 days of bus suspension, that student will lose bus privileges for the remainder of the semester. The first offense after returning to the bus will result in loss of bus privileges for the remainder of the year.
Bus Passes/Notes
Students are not to board an unassigned bus. Parents/guardians must request a bus pass at least 24 hours in advance from the principal/school secretary and the principal/school secretary must coordinate bus passes with the Transportation Department. Therefore, same day passes will not be granted. Students must bring notes for bus changes to the office before the beginning of classes for approval. Students will not be permitted to leave class throughout the day as we make every effort to protect instructional time.
Car Riders
As a safety precaution, parents must remain inside their vehicle when picking up or dropping off car riders. You should not exit your car unless a parent conference has been scheduled.
Morning Drop-off: Dixie employees will open the car doors for children when they arrive at the school beginning at 8:00. Please line up in front of the school, one lane only, closest to the building. Please leave the parking area open so teachers can pull in to park.
Afternoon Pick-up: Car rider lines should form in front of the large fenced area leaving the first gate opening clear of cars which would allow the buses to exit the area. Please leave the space in front of the gate where buses exit clear for them to exit. If it is raining the car rider lines should form at the first entrance coming from Phenix City/Crawford in front of the white lines. We are asking that parents form two lines at all times, unless otherwise instructed.
In case of withdrawal, parents should give a minimum of 48 hours notice for the school to properly prepare the necessary reports. Reports and records will be transferred to the respective enrolling school upon request. You can also withdraw students by accessing the district website at myrcsd.org under the enroll tab.
Russell County School District - Bullying Report Form
In an effort to minimize antisocial behaviors in the school environment, the RCBOE has created a process whereby a student, parent, guardian, or bystander may report instances of bullying to the school administrator for further review and investigation. To report bullying, complete this form and it will be reported to the school. All reported incidents of bullying may be investigated, and when necessary, school administrators apply appropriate disciplinary consequences.
It is important to distinguish bullying from other unkind, mean and harmful behavior. Calling someone a name or pushing someone once, being rude or having an argument with someone is not bullying. Of course, these behaviors should be addressed but may have different consequences and interventions, which is why the distinction is critical. To be defined as bullying, all three components must be present: (1) repeated actions or threats, (2) a power imbalance and (3) intention to cause harm. If bullying is identified correctly, there are various ways to address it.
Intimidation is a threat or other action that is intended to cause fear or apprehension in a student, especially for the purpose of coercing or deterring the student from participating in or taking advantage of any school program, benefit, activity or opportunity for which the student is or would be eligible.
Bullying is a continuous pattern of intentional behavior that takes place on school property, on a school bus, or at a school-sponsored function including, but not limited to, cyberbullying or written, electronic, verbal, or physical actions that are reasonably perceived as being motivated by any characteristic of a student, or by the association of a student with an individual who has a particular characteristic.
This form can be completed online at www.myrcsd.org/domain/338 or by scanning the QR code with your phone.
The Alabama College and Career Standards provide a consistent, clear understanding of what students are expected to learn so that teachers and parents know what they need to do to help them. Consistent standards will provide appropriate academic benchmarks for all students, regardless of where they live, and allow states to more effectively help all students succeed. With students, parents, and teachers all on the same page and working together toward shared goals, we can ensure that students make progress each year and graduate from school prepared to succeed and build a strong future for themselves, our communities, and the country.
These standards are designed to be relevant in the real world, reflecting the knowledge and skills that our young people need for success in both college and career. When American students have the skills and knowledge needed in today’s job market, our communities will be strong and competitive in the global economy. The standards incorporate the best and highest of previous state standards in the U.S. and are internationally benchmarked to the top performing nations around the world. The best understanding of what works in education comes from experience. That’s why the standards were developed by teachers, principals, parents, and education experts, not politicians in Washington. The best understanding of what works in the classroom comes from the teachers who are in them, which is why the standards allow each teacher in each classroom to figure out what works best for his or her students.
My Math Benchmark Assessments
We are very excited to have a new math textbook beginning this year. It is My Math by McGraw-Hill. The Beginning-, Middle-, and End-of Year Assessments allows for the monitoring of the students’ progress throughout the year. Based on student results, teachers can tailor their teaching throughout the year so that students are learning and understanding the standards, as well as showing growth. The Beginning-of Year Test allows the teachers to see which skills the students may already understand. This will allow teachers to make better use of classroom time as they customize time spent teaching specific benchmarks based on the beginning of the year results. Students who have already mastered some skills will benefit from Enrichment activities. The Middle-of-Year Test can be given at mid-point of the school year, when students have been taught about half of the skills required for the school year. It assesses the same skills as the Beginning-of-Year Test, so you will be able to immediately tell which skills the students have mastered and retained and which they need to visit. The End-of-Year Test is used to determine pupil progression.
Open Court
Open Court is a comprehensive Reading and Language Arts series for the 21st Century. Open Court delivers classic and soon-to-be classic literature, scientifically research-based instruction, and a wealth of groundbreaking online experiences for student engagement.
STAR Reading / STAR Math
STAR Reading and Math is a test that students will take to see what skills have been mastered and what areas need additional assistance. These programs also provide a grade level equivalency, for example if your child is in the third month of school (3.3) in the 3rd grade and your child scores a 4.1 in Math, he/she is on a fourth grade level, first month of school. STAR Reading is also used to assist with determining AR levels.
Sonday System
The Sonday System is a scientifically based reading program designed to help students learn and recognize beginning letters and sounds. The Sonday System is a skill based, multi-sensory instructional program that is systematic, sequential, cumulative, and aligns with common core standards.
The i-Ready Diagnostic is an adaptive assessment that adjusts its questions to suit your child’s needs. Each item a student sees is individualized based on their answer to the previous question. The purpose of this is not to give your child a score or grade, but instead to determine how best to support your child’s learning.
Grades 2-5 Alabama Comprehensive Assessment Program (ACAP)
This on-line assessment will be given in the Spring to all 2nd-5th graders here at Dixie. The test for second graders will serve as a benchmark for students for when they are tested in the third grade.
The Alabama Literacy Act
The Alabama Literacy Act was passed in 2019 and created to help improve reading in Alabama public schools to ensure students are reading on grade level by the end of the 3rd grade. Reading is the gateway to lifelong achievement and the students of Alabama deserve a strong start on their path to success.
If your child is reading below grade level reading standards or is struggling with reading, his/her teacher will inform you of the reading difficulty that has been identified. The school will provide your child with additional reading instruction and support, and you will be given strategies to help your child at home. If your child is reading below grade level expectations entering 3rd grade, you will be informed that he/she may not be promoted to 4th grade unless sufficient progress is made. In the 2024-2025 school year, if your child does not demonstrate sufficient reading skills at the end of 3rd grade, you will receive notification that he/she may not be promoted to 4th grade.
Honors / Awards and Requirements
Perfect Attendance
● A child that has not missed any days of school should receive this award. A child cannot have any excused or unexcused absences.
● Students will have a chance to receive awards for monthly and quarterly perfect attendance.
● If virtual learning is implemented, your child must complete the instructional requirements.
Student of the Month / Citizen of the Year
● Dixie will recognize Students of the Month each month beginning in August. Students are chosen because of good behavior, punctuality, positive attitude and positive contributions, etc. to the school or community. Students that are willing to assist others in their learning process are also eligible.
● Each teacher will also recognize a Citizen of the Year during Award’s Day.
A and A/B Honor Roll
● Students that have received all A’s, A/B’s, and/or B’s on each of the 9 weeks report card, in all subjects, receive this award. Students will be recognized each 9 weeks. These grades are recorded for all core classes / subjects, and have a satisfactory grade (A, A/B, or S) in PE. The students that achieved honor roll for all 9-weeks will also be recognized at the end of the school year.
● If virtual learning is implemented, students must turn in completed assignments.
** All Honors / Awards are given at the discretion of the school principal.
I am a student of excellence in every way, I am an Eagle and I SOAR every day!
I am Safe and follow the rules.
I take Ownership for my actions at school. I am Accountable by doing my very best. I am Respectful to myself, my teachers, and the rest!
When I SOAR I spread my wings,
And I know I can achieve great things!